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Внеклассная работа по предмету


За годы работы в школе у меня накопились материалы, которые могут пригодиться учителю английского языка во внеклассной работе. Их вы не найдете на просторах интернета, так как они публикуются впервые и являются авторскими разработками.

Все проекты и сценарии написаны мною лично, поэтому я публикую их от своего имени, но в их практической творческой реализации принимали активное  участие все мои коллеги.

USE OF ENGLISH школьный этап ВОШ для 7-8 класса 2020-2021

Задание московской олимпиады на знание лексико-грамматического материала получилось довольно объемным. Поэтому мы разместили его на двух страницах. 

Задание №1 носит традиционный характер, это постановка данных глаголов в нужную форму. Три других значительно отличаются (смотрите здесь). На весь раздел отводится 40 минут.

Task 1
Put each verb in brackets (1–30) into a suitable verb form. (0) – is done for you as an example.

Put each verb in brackets (1–30) into a suitable verb form. (0) – is done for you as an example.
The Unfortunate Tandem
It happened while Mr Harris and his wife sitting on the tandem behind him (0) __were cycling__ (to cycle) through Holland. As the roads (1) (to be) stony, Harris (2) (to ask) his wife to sit tight. She (3) (not/ can) explain later why she (4) (to think) her husband (5) (to order) her to jump down. And she did so. Harris (6) (to go on) without turning his head. He (7) (to believe) his wife (8) (to sit) behind him.
Mrs Harris (9) (to find) herself on the road alone.
At first she (10) (to suppose) her husband (11) (to want) simply to show his skill and he (12) (to return) soon when he (13) (to reach) the hill. But her husband (14) disappeared (to disappear) in the wood.
She (15) (to begin) to cry as she (16) (to have) no money, and she (17) (not know) Dutch.
People (18) _______ (to think) she (19) _______ (to lose) something so they (20) _______ (to take) her to the police station.
Meanwhile, Harris (21) (to cycle) with great pleasure. But soon he (22) (to feel) wrong. He (23) (to look back) but (24) (to see) nobody there.
While thinking how to find his wife he (25) (to meet) some local people. They (26) (to be sure) he (27) (to find) his wife at the police station. There he (28) (to ask) when, where and why he (29) (to lose) his wife.
The meeting of Mr Harris and his wife (30) (to be) not a tender one.
Be careful on the roads!
It happened while Mr Harris and his wife sitting on the tandem behind him 0 ____ (to cycle) through Holland.
were cycling




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