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Урок "Поездка в Лондон"

Одно из писем с подробным описанием поездки в Лондон и фотографиями было написано моей английской подругой по переписке (не учителем!) специально для моих учеников. После небольшой переработки и добавления заданий я использую его при работе над темой "Лондон. Транспорт". (8-9 класс).

Дети работают в группах из 3 человек. Каждая группа получает текст, разделенный на 6 частей (jigsaw reading). Каждый член группы работает с двумя частями текста и передает их содержание остальным участникам. Затем группа должна расположить части текста в логической последовательности и коллективно начертить схему маршрута поездки с указанием посещенных мест и видов транспорта.
Это выглядит примерно так:

С целью проверки детального понимания текста можно предложить следующие задания:

1. Are these statements true(T) or false(F)?

  1. The Main Line is the name of the London Underground .
  2. A season ticket is a ticket which you can use for a month or for a year.
  3. New buses have no conductor.
  4. A taxi is a quick way of travelling, but very expensive.
  5. Harrods is in Oxford street.
  6. Ann and Terry came home late because of the rain.

2. Match the names with the correct definitions:

1. Uxbridge

A. the most famous shopping street

2. West Drayton

B. a local underground station

3. Paddington

C. a well-known London shop

4. Harrods

D. the central London station

5. Oxford Street

E. a part of London

6. the Main Line

F. A type of rail network

7. a Black Cab

G. a local Main Line station

8. Knightsbridge

H. a pub

9. The Swan and Bottle

I. a London taxi

Answer the following questions:
  1. What are two types of rail networks in England?
  2. What kind of tickets can you buy?
  3. How can you travel using a One Day Travel Card?
  4. What types of buses do they have in London?
  5. Who collects the fares as you get on a bus?
  6. What does eat-as-much-as-you-like buffet mean?
  7. What was the main purpose of Ann's trip?
  8. What can you buy in Harrods?
  9. Whose car did Ann and Terry use to arrive home?
Follow- up:
What new facts about London and its transport have you learnt from the text? What transport would you like to use while travelling around London? Why?

Answer Keys:

1. 1-F, 2-T, 3-T, 4-T, 5-F, 6-F.

2. 1-B, 2-G, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A, 6-F, 7-I, 8-E, 9-H.


  1. the Main Line and the London underground.
  2. single, return, season tickets, special tickets such as One Day Travel Card.
  3. by the Underground, the Main Line and buses.
  4. double-deckers and single-deckers.
  5. a conductor in the older type buses, a driver in the newer buses.
  6. for one and the same price you can eat as much as you wish.
  7. to go to a shop called Harrods.
  8. anything from food to sport cars.
  9. their son's car.

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